
Technical tour
Offshore wind farms and 5MW WT in Kamisu city, Ibaraki Pref.
Itinerary plan:
8:30 AM Start from the Venue The University of Tokyo (at front of Sanjo Hall)
10:30-13:00 Offshore Wind Farm and Kashima port Fukashiba Wind Power station
13:30-14:30 Kashima Jingu sight seeing
18:00 Tokyo Station (Tentative schedule, depends on traffic condition)
18:30 Venue The University of Tokyo
Wind Energy for World Acceptance
We regret to inform you that Work Shop should be canceled by reason of an epidemic disease (influenza) of the lecturers.
Opening Ceremony: The New Role of Wind Power after Paris: Changing the Energy Landscape
Main content
Giving an overview of the status of wind power globally including latest trends, long-term scenarios,
opportunities and challenges.
- Hon. Peter Rae AO (President, WWEA, Australia)
- Prof. Chuichi Arakawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Introductory and keynote speeches:
- Mr. Toshinao Nakagawa (Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan)
- Dr. Harry Lehmann (General Director, Federal Environmental Agency, Germany)
- Mr. Shigemoto Kajihara (Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment, Japan)
- Dr. Robert K. Dixon (Director Strategic Programs, US Department of Energy, USA)
- Mr. Francisco Boshell (IRENA, Germany)
- Prof. Izumi Ushiyama (President, Ashikaga Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Ms. Christine Lins (Executive Secretary, REN21, France)
- Mr. Toshio Mori (Mayor, Tomamae Town, Japan)
- Dr. Osman Benchikh (Former Head of Renewable Energy at UNESCO)
- Mr. Manabu Takamoto (Director, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan)
Moderator: Mr. Stefan Gsänger (Secretary General, WWEA, Germany)
- Prof. Reza Abhari (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
“Lowering Risk in Downwind Turbine Design” - Prof. Gundula Hübner (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, MSH Medical School Hamburg, Germany)
“Engineering, design and psychology – A synergetic approach to promote wind energy” - Prof. Hideyuki Suzuki (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
“Research and Development of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines in Japan”
Moderator: Prof. Chuichi Arakawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Renewables working together – the role of wind power in a renewable energy supply
- Hon. Peter Rae AO (President, WWEA, Australia)
- Dr. Osman Benchikh (Former Head of Renewable Energy at UNESCO)
- Dr. Harry Lehmann (General Director, Federal Environmental Agency, Germany)
- Dr. Ibrahim Togola (Malifolkecenter, Mali)
- Mr. Wu Gang (Chairman, Goldwind Science & Technology, China)
- Prof. Monica Oliphant AO (Past President, International Solar Energy Society, Australia)
- Dr. Hironao Matsubara (ISEP, Japan)
- Dr. Robert K. Dixon (Director Strategic Programs, US Department of Energy, USA)
Moderator: Mr. Stefan Gsänger (Secretary General, WWEA, Germany)
E-3: UBA Side Event: German wind power policies
Speaker | Institution | Presentation title | Time |
Dr. Harry Lehmann (Chair) | German Environment Agency (UBA) | Energy policy in Germany with focus on wind energy | 15 min |
Prof. Gundula Hübner | Universität Halle | Acceptance and perception | 10 min |
Dr. Jana Bovet | UFZ Leipzig | Spatial Planning framework for on shore wind energy in Germany | 10 min |
Dr. Thorsten Ebert | Kassler Verkehrsgesellschaft AG | Energy transition in Northern Hesse – Challenges and potentials in electricity, heat and transport markets | 10 min |
Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuhnke i.R. | Hochschule Osnabrück | The role of Renewable Energy cooperatives and inverstors groups | 10 min |
Steffen Brauns | Enercon | ENERCON-More than 30 years successful business in Germany | 10 min |
Discussion | 15 min |
1 November 2016 (13:45~15:15) at Sanjo Conference Hall(Room E)
E-4: IRENA Side Event: Innovation Technology Outlook for Offshore Wind Technology
Facilitator: Stefan Gsänger (WWEA)
Jean-Daniel Pitteloud (WWEA)
“Offshore wind – the global picture. Basic statistics”
Francisco Boshell (IRENA)
“Innovation Outlook for Offshore Wind Technology”
Offshore wind
– Country Status, Prospects and Challenges
- Japan:
Masaharu Itoh (NEDO) - Republic of Korea:
Choong-Yul Son (Korea Wind Energy Industry Association) - United Kingdom:
Jan Matthhiesen (Carbon Trust) - The Netherlands:
Gerard J. W. van Bussel (Delft University of Technology) - Germany:
Jan-Christoph Hinrichs (Aerodyn)
Panel discussion:
Facilitator: Stefan Gsänger (WWEA)
Stefan Gsänger (WWEA)
Conference Conclusion and Closing Ceremony
Main content
This session will summarize and conclude the conference and its main findings and will summarize the main challenges the global wind community is facing. It will propose next steps and introduce Sweden as the host of the WWEC2017. Also the World Wind Energy Award 2016 will be handed over and the WWEC2016 Conference Declaration will be presented.
Summarizing the WWEC2016: Views from Japan, the WWEA Technical Committee and from an honorary guest:
- Prof. Chuichi Arakawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Dr. Jami Hossain (Chair Technical Committee, WWEA, India)
- Dr. Franz Alt (Journalist, Germany)
Awards ceremony:
Presentation and Poster awards
World Wind Energy Award 2016
- by Hon. Peter Rae AO (President, WWEA, Australia) and Dr. Preben Maegaard (President emeritus, WWEA, Denmark)
WWEC2016 Conference Declaration
Presentation of the host of the WWEC2017
by Ms. Ulla Hedmann Andrén (Director of Operations, Swedish Windpower Association, Sweden)
Mr. Stefan Gsänger (Secretary General, WWEA, Germany)
Prof. Makoto Iida (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
A-1 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
A-1-1 [Invited Speaker] | European R&D cooperation in wind power technology | Dr. Peter Hauge Madsen | Department of Wind Energy, the Technical University of Denmark |
A-1-2 | 3D analysis of a straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine by panel method | Ms. Alisa Nakai | Mie University |
A-1-3 | Evaluation of wind turbine wake simulation focusing on grid resolution | Mr. Keita Kimura | The University of Tokyo |
A-1-4 | Wind-powered Thermal Energy System (WTES), which employs direct thermal conversion and thermal energy storage | Dr. Toru Okazaki | The Institute of Applied Energy |
A-1-5 [Invited Speaker] | Advanced aerodynamic rotor control options: Flaps, Plasma's and modern stall control | Prof. Gerard J.W. van Bussel | Delft University of Technology |
A-1-6 | Aerodynamic Loads of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines in Realistic Operational Conditions and Loads Mitigation Using Individual Pitch Controls | Dr. Yasutada Tanabe | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
A-1-7 | Detailed wind inflow measurements using a nine-beam nacelle lidar | Dr. Hirokazu Kawabata | Advanced industrial science and technology |
A-2 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
A-2-1 | Hywind – Delivering the future technology to the world | Dr. Rajnish Sharma | Statoil |
A-2-2 | Scale-up of wind turbine sizes and their impact on key floating offshore wind technologies | Mr. Bruno G Geschier | IDEOL |
A-2-3 | Initial comparison of concrete and steel hulls in the case of Ideol’s square ring floating substructure | Mr. Thomas Choisnet | IDEOL |
A-2-4 | Floating Offshore Wind with SCDnezzy 8.0 MW | Mr. Jan-christoph Hinrichs | aerodyn engineering gmbh |
A-2-5 | Being Holistic on the path to cost reduction for offshore wind What can we learn from each other to create a global offshore wind industry? | Mr. Jan Matthiesen | Carbon Trust |
A-2-6 | Japan: Steps towards market maturity and cost reduction | Mr. Magnus Christian Ebbesen | DNV GL |
A-2-7 | Perspective on Offshore Wind in Japan | Mr. Yoichi Oda | Senior Project Manager, MITSUI GLOBAL STRATEGIC STUDIES |
A-2-8 | Measuring system and records of a 2MW floating offshore wind turbine | Dr. Shigesuke Ishida | National Maritime Research Institute |
A-3 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
A-3-1 | Advanced Reseach Report for Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine with Double Pitch Control mechanism | Prof. Dr. Yukimaru Shimizu | Nagoya Sangyo University |
A-3-2 | Performance Prediction of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine using CFD | Prof. Masami Suzuki | University of the Ryukyus |
A-3-3 | Load Analysis of the Two-Bladed Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine by HILS | Dr. Shigemitsu Aoki | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology |
A-3-4 | Numerical Analysis of a small HAWT | Dr. Noriki Iwanaga | Research Center of Computational Mechanics,Inc. |
A-3-5 | A study evaluating a wind condition model for the generator output variation of a grid-connected small wind turbine | Mr. Ryo Kobayashi | The University of Tokyo |
A-4 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
A-4-1 | Local preferences for distributional and procedural justice in wind energy projects: Insights from a Choice Experiment | Dr. Nele Lienhoop | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ |
A-4-2 | Does economic participation in wind power plants increase acceptance? Remarks regarding a law providing citizens and communities financial participation in the development of wind energy. | Dr. Jana Bovet | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ |
A-4-3 | Ordinance for Local Governance of Wind Energy Projects: Case Study in Japan | Prof. Yasushi Maruyama | Nagoya University |
A-4-4 | Added value of offshore wind farms: Ideas of elementary school students | Dr. Memi Motosu | Nagoya University |
A-4-5 | Risk Communication Process for Japanese Offshore Wind Projects | Dr. Ayano Takeuchi | Toho University |
A-5 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
A-5-1 [Invited Speaker] | Full test of grid connected floating wind turbine : The European Project Floatgen | Prof. Bertrand Alessandrini | Ecole Centrale Nantes |
A-5-2 | Dynamic response characteristic of a spar type offshore wind turbine secured on seabed | Mr. Eiji Hirokawa | The University of Tokyo |
A-5-3 | Hydrodynamic response of a semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine: Numerical modelling and validation | Dr. Shining Zhang | The University of Tokyo |
B-1 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
B-1-1 | Harvesting the wind far offshore - combination of floating offshore wind and offshore hydrogen production. | Dr. Per Christer Lund | Norwegian Embassy in Singapore |
B-1-2 | THE CURRENT SITUATION AND DEVELOPING TREND OF CHINESE OFF SHORE WIND POWER | Mr. Dechang Shen | Chinese Wind Energy Equipment Association |
B-1-3 | Offshore Wind Farm Planning and Future View in Hokkaido, Japan | Prof. Satoru Shiraishi | Hokkaido University of Science |
B-1-4 | Aero-Hydro-Elastic Analysis of 5MW Semi-submersible Floating Wind turbine in Shallow Waters | Mr. Fuminori Hioki | Wind Energy Institute of Tokyo, Inc. |
B-1-5 | Six new concepts for reducing the cost of offshore wind turbines | Mr. Yasuo Ueno | JWEA (indivdual member) |
B-1-6 | Certification before standards for Innovative Offshore Technologies | Mr. Johan Slätte | DNV GL |
B-1-7 | Outline of the dynamic analysis procedure in NK-UTWind ver5.0 for offshore floating wind turbine certification | Dr. Sho Oh | ClassNK |
B-1-8 | The effect of control logic on wind turbine tower load | Mr. Iman Yousefi | The University of Tokyo |
B-1-9 | Windpower ”on the rocks” projects in Scandinavia | Dr. Tore Wizelius | Wind4shore AB |
B-2 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
B-2-1 [Invited Speaker] | Downwind Rotor Technologies for Large Scale Offshore Wind Turbines | Prof. Shigeru Yoshida | Kyushu University |
B-2-2 | Investigation on effect of tower type on downwind turbines | Dr. Bernhard Stoevesandt | Fraunhofer IWES |
B-2-3 | Aerodynamic Blade Design Considerations due to Tower Effect on Upwind and Downwind Turbines | Dr. Xabier Munduate | CENER |
B-2-4 [Invited Speaker] | Multi Rotor Systems for Large Scale Offshore Wind Power | Dr. Peter Jamieson | Strathclyde University |
B-2-5 | Wake Deflection in Long Distance from a Yawed Wind Turbine | Mr. Yuta Uemura | Tokyo University of Science |
B-2-6 | Fundamental Research on Wake Structure of a Simple Vertical-Axis Windmill | Mr. Tomohiro Tokiwa | Doshisha University |
B-3 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
B-3-1 | An optimal floating structure? | Mr. Are Kaspersen | DNV GL |
B-3-2 | Blade Pitch Control of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine by a Modern Control | Mr. Ken Haneda | National Maritime Research Institute |
B-3-3 | Model tests of the Floating Axis Wind Turbine (FAWT) | Mr. Hiromichi Akimoto | Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Albatross Technology LLC |
B-3-4 | Proposal of Common floating station with Triangle connection and Rectangular link mechanism for Offshore wind farm with VAWT in deep sea and Evaluation of VAWT with Flip-up mechanism and Movable leading edge slat | Mr. Tatsuhiko Nagata | Individual |
B-3-6 | Passive cooling system for 5MW downwind turbine | Mr. Shigehisa Funabashi | Hitachi, Ltd. |
B-4 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
B-4-1 | A new concept of tension leg platform for a floating offshore wind turbine | Dr. Hidero Hayashi | Obayashi Corporation |
B-4-2 | A study on the joint probability distribution of wind and wave | Dr. Jun Tanemoto | The University of Tokyo (current affiliation: Wind Energy Institute of Tokyo Inc.) |
B-4-3 | Development of Offshore Wind Turbine Floating Structure | Mr. Masao Komatsu | Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD |
B-4-4 | Collective Pitch Feedforward Control of a 10 MW Floating Wind Turbines Using Lidar | Dr. David Schlipf | Stuttgart Wind Energy |
B-4-5 | At-sea Demonstration Test for Cost-reduction of Mooring System for Floating Wind Turbine | Prof. Tomoaki Utsunomiya | Kyushu University |
B-4-6 | Engineering aerodynamic models for floating offshore wind turbine | Mr. Qi Qi | Goldwind and Unversity of Strathclyde |
B-4-7 | The importance of design verification of floating offshore wind projects | Mr. Carl Sixtensson | DNV GL |
B-5 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
B-5-1 | Impact assessment of terrain turbulence to wind turbine fatigu | Mr. Soichiro Kiyoki | Hitachi, Ltd. |
B-5-2 | Typhoon Wind Condition Analysis - A Case Study to the 2MW Wind Turbine during the Typhoon Soulder in 2015 | Prof. Jui-hung Liu | Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology |
B-5-3 | Bird Detection near Wind Turbines from High-resolution Video using LSTM Networks | Mr. Tu Tuan Trinh | Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo |
B-5-4 | Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Initiative for Environmental Risk Mitigation of Wind Power Projects Development Case Study: Egypt, Gulf of Suez | Dr. Ahmed Abdel Aziz Mohamed Badr | Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency |
C-1 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
C-1-1 | A Fundamental Study and Factor Analysis on System Health Monitoring of Wind Turbines Using SCADA | Dr. Akihisa Yasuda | Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo |
C-1-2 | Key Performance Indicators for Wind Farm's Operation and Maintenance: a sistematic literature review and proposal of a conceptual model for implementation | Prof. Mario Orestes Aguirre González | Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte |
C-1-4 | Technologies for the structural health management of Hitachi-wind turbine system | Dr. Yasuki Kita | Hitachi,Ltd. ,Research & Development Group |
C-1-5 | Condition Based Maintenance of Wind Turbines by 24 / 7 Monitoring of Oil Quality, Oil Aging and Additive Consumption: Identification of critical operation conditions & determination of the next oil exchange | Dr. Mauntz Manfred | cmc Instruments GmbH |
C-1-6 | Development and Evaluation of Vibration-based Anomaly Detection System Using Actual Wind Turbine Data | Dr. Jun Ogata | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
C-1-7 | Life Time Extension: How to maximize the return of investment | Mr. Santiago Lopez Camblor | UL International GmbH |
C-1-8 | Failure rate and downtime analysis for wind turbine by using failure and accident survey | Mr. Hirotaka Okumoto | E&E Solutions Inc |
C-2 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
C-2-1 | A verification of the FRT (Fault Ride Through) capability for 5MW wind turbine system | Mr. Yuta Ito | Hitachi, Ltd. |
C-2-2 | Study the effect of the grid and the connected distribution generators on IEC 61400-21 power quality assessment of the wind turbine under study | Mr. Ali Mahmoud Khazma | Department of Electrical Power and Machines, Cairo University, Giza, Cairo, Egypt |
C-2-3 | A Novel Optimization Method for Wind Power Integration in a Hybrid Renewable Energy System | Mr. Ulas Baran Baloglu | Tunceli University |
C-2-4 | Techno-economic Evaluation and Electricity Tariff Sensitivity Analysis of Wind Energy Based Industrial Microgrid with Third-Party Ownership and Power Purchase Agreement Business Model | Mr. Solomon Netsanet Alemu | North China Electric Power University (PhD student) and Goldwind Science & Tech Co. Ltd (Intern) |
C-3 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
C-3-1 [Invited Speaker] | Design and Optimization of Wind Systems through a Systems Engineering Approach | Dr. Rick Damiani | National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), USA |
C-3-2 | MRS using DAWTs for power increase | Mr. Akio Munakata | Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Kyushu University 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan |
C-3-3 | Re-Powering of Wind Farms: State of Art | Mr. Manoj Verma | Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology |
C-3-4 | Flow field elucidation of the rotary column with fins and lift enhancement of Magnus windmill | Dr. Nobuhiro Murakami | MECARO Co.Ltd. |
C-3-5 | Arrangements of three diffuser augmented wind turbines in a multi-rotor system | Mr. Uli Göltenbott | Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Kyushu University 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan |
C-3-6 | Air Borne Wind Energy Generation on Tethered System | Prof. Hironori Fujii | TMIT Research Center |
C-3-7 | Optimum Design Configuration of Ribbon Wheel Type Wind Turbine | Mr. Eliud Kiprop | Ashikaga Institute of Technology |
C-4 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
C-4-2 | Experimental Investigation and Simulation of Effect of Turbulence Intensity on Performance of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine | Mr. Sang Quang Le | Fluid Engineering Laboratory, Mie University |
C-4-3 | Severe conditions and complexity of Mongolia's 1st Wind Farm | Mr. Ts Sukhbaatar | Clean Energy LLC |
C-4-4 | Wind Power Project in Bhutan | Mr. Ruka Ogawa | Renewable Energy Business Department, KOMAI HALTEC Inc. |
C-5 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
C-5-1 | Proposal of Extreme Wave Height Estimation Formula for IEC61400-3 | Dr. Kenji Shimada | Shimizu Corporation |
C-5-2 | On the application of large-eddy simulation to the micro-siting of wind turbines on a complex geography | Dr. Keisuke Nakao | Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry |
C-5-3 | A wind tunnel experimental study on wind turbine blade icing by using natural low temperature in cold region of China | Prof. Yan Li | Engineering College, Northeast Agricultural University |
C-5-4 | Summarization of Anti-typhoon Technology of Mingyang Mega-Watt Wind Turbine | Mr. Zou Libing | Guang Dong Ming Yang Wind Power Group |
D-1 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
D-1-1 | Wind Potential Map in El Salvador | Dr. Tsutomu Dei | Ashikaga Institute of Technology |
D-1-2 | Wind resource analysis in consideration of wind turbine wake on complex terrain | Mr. Shoichi Tanaka | Toshiba Corporation |
D-1-3 | Estimation of Probability Distribution Function and Wind Energy Potential | Prof. Siraj Ahmed Khan | Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology |
D-1-4 | Numerical site calibration procedure for power performance testing of wind turbine | Dr. Yuko Ueda | Wind Energy Institute of Tokyo Inc. |
D-1-5 | The wind power potential in low wind speed regions of China | Prof. Rong Zhu | National Climate Center of China Meteorological Administration |
D-1-6 | Applicability of k-ε model and LES model on prediction of turbulent flow field over transition region of trees | Dr. Yihong Qi | The University of Tokyo |
D-1-7 | The assessment of offshore extreme wind speeds on the western coast in Taiwan | Dr., Mr. Shih-kai Ciou | Sinotech Engineering Consultants, LTD. |
D-1-8 | Mitigation of crossover phenomena of wind speed scaling analysis based on season division | Dr. Wang Xianxun | State Key Laboratory of Water Resource and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China |
D-2 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
D-2-1 | Application of Remote Sensing in Wind Resource Assessment: A Comparative Analysis | Dr. Vilas Warudkar | MAULANA AZAD NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BHOPAL MADHYA PRADESH |
D-2-2 | Fabrication study on CFRP lightweight vertical axis wind turban | Mr. Endo Hiroki | Kyushu Sangyo University |
D-2-3 | A Hybrid Method Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Pipelined Recurrent Neural Networks for Wind Speed Forecasting | Ms. Quan Long | Gas Turbine Institute, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University |
D-3 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
D-3-1 | Periodic Safety Management Inspections | Mr. Takashi Matsunobu | Hitachi Ltd. |
D-3-2 | Prognostic Model to analyze the effects of REWITEC® nano coating treatment of wind turbine gearboxes | Mr., Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Bill | REWITEC GmbH |
D-3-3 | Simulating O&M strategies for offshore wind farms by O2M | Mr. Yukinobu Uchida | DNV GL AS, Japan Branch |
D-3-4 | Vibration analysis on rolling bearing fault of wind turbine unit | Mr. Yizhou Yang | Gas Turbine Institute, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University |
D-3-5 | Taikoyama Wind Farm Fatigue Failure Accident Analysis Based on Aerodynamic and FEM Modelling | Dr. Yin Liu | the University of Tokyo |
D-4 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
D-4-1 | Effects of the arm cross-sectional shape on the aeroacoustic noise of a straight-bladed vertical-axis wind turbine | Mr. Yoshiki Saito | Kanazawa University |
D-4-2 | Development of rotation flow VAWT for pumping system | Mr. Takashi Shida | - |
D-4-3 | Micro SAVONIUS for remote Area | Mr. Gunatilake Chinthake | SocioRecur Co. Ltd. |
D-4-4 | Experimental Study on the Effects of Relative Rotor Location to Duct Exit on Energy Recovery from Duct-Exhaust Flow Using a Butterfly Wind Turbine | Mr. Makoto Kawanishi | Tottori University |
D-4-5 | Study of a casing with two flow deflector plates for performance improvement of a cross-flow wind turbine by CFD analyses | Prof. Tadakazu Tanino | Kurume National College of Technology |
D-4-6 | Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Orthopter-type wind turbine in a shear flow | Mr. Taiki Sugawara | kanazawa university |
D-5 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
D-5-1 | Performance Prediction of Triangular-Blade Butterfly Wind Turbine with Mechanical Over-Speed Control System | Mr. Masahiro Okutani | Tottori University |
D-5-2 | Numerical Analysis of Flow Field around an Endplate of Straight-Blade Vertical Axis Wind Turbine | Dr. Yutaka Hara | Tottori University |
D-5-3 | Optimum Configuration of Wind-Diesel Hybrid System -Case Study in Baragoi, Samburu County, Kenya- | Mr. Sirengo Humphrey Khisa | Ashikaga Institute of Technology |
E-1 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
E-1-1 [Invited Speaker] | Brazil as the New Latin American Wind Power Locomotive | Prof. Dr. Everaldo Alencar Feitosa | President, Eolica Tecnologia, Brazil |
E-1-2 [Invited Speaker] | Current status and Future prospects of Korea RPS system (RPS : Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard) | Prof. Dr.-ing. Choong-Yul Son | Technical Advisor, Korea Wind Energy Industry Association, KWEIA |
E-1-3 | Development and Realisation of Wind Energy Projects in Emerging Markets | Dr. Patric Kleineidam | Lahmeyer International GmbH, Bad Vilbel, Germany |
E-1-4 [Invited Speaker] | Barriers and Opportunities for Rapid Employment of Wind Farms in Turkey | Prof. Dr. Tanay Sıdkı UYAR | Energy Section, Marmara University Turkey |
E-1-5 | Transition of renewable energy policies and vision of 100% renewable energy region in Japan | Dr. Hironao Matsubara | Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies |
E-1-6 | Accelerating Wind Power Deployment in Pakistan: Capacity Building and Policy Solution | Mr. Muhammad Zeeshan Ashfaq | World Wind Energy Association |
E-2 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
E-2-1 [Invited Speaker] | Current situation and prospects of renewable energy sources in Cuba focusing on wind energy | Prof. Dr. Conrado Moreno | Center for Study of Renewable Energy Technologies (CETER), Cuban Society for Renewable Energy Promotion and Environmental Respect (CUBASOLAR) |
E-2-2 | Example Dardesheim/Germany - Communities realizing 100 % renewable energy solutions | Mr. Heinrich Bartelt | GeneralWind GmbH |
E-2-3 | Paving the way to large-scale wind power developments: Morocco’s pre-COP22 policies | Mr. Khalid Benhamou | Sahara Wind |
E-2-4 [Invited Speaker] | Wind Power in Egypt: Supplying Power and Water for the Largest Arabic Country | Prof. Dr. Galal Osman | Cairo University, Egypt |
E-2-5 | Wind Energy Growth In India - An Overview | Dr. P Kanagavel | National Institute of Wind Energy |
E-5 Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
E-5-1 | Aiming for Success Case Creation of Offshore Wind Farms in Japan | Prof. Toshihiko Nagai | Executive of ECOH Co. and Visiting Professor of Nagoya University |
E-5-3 | How to Achieve Local Acceptance for the Expansion of Onshore Wind Power while Supporting Local Development, Energy Democracy and Lower Electricity Prices | Mr. Leire Gorroño | Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy |
E-5-4 | How social outcomes are intrinsically linked to Australia’s wind future. | Ms. Taryn Lane | Hepburn Wind, Embark Australia & The Australian Wind Alliance |
Poster Session Abstract
Session | Title | Presenter name | Affiliation |
PS-A-1 | A Tethered Airborne Wind Turbine System | Mr. Allen Kwok Fai Chan | Independant Inventor |
PS-A-2 | Unsteady wake analysis of horizontal axis wind turbine rotors with reduced calculation load | Mr. Kazuki Kubota | Nagoya Institute of Technology |
PS-A-3 | Theoretical-Numerical Analyze of the Performance of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Movable Blades | Ms. Willmari Dayana Suarez | UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE ITAJUBA - UNIFEI |
PS-A-4 | Building Integrated Wind Turbine | Mr. Allen Kwok Fai Chan | Independant Inventor |
PS-A-5 | An innovative wind / water turbine with circular cylinder propeller driven by longitudinal vortex | Prof. Tsutomu Takahashi | Nagaoka University of Technology |
PS-A-6 | Experimental studies on load suppression of wind turbine by Lidar associated control | Mr. Atsushi Sawaki | Mie University |
PS-A-7 | Study on 3D effect on aerodynamic performance of a straight-bladed Vertical Axis Wind Turbine by CFD simulations | Mr. Kento Shimizu | Mie University |
PS-A-8 | Multi-Rotor Ducted Wind Turbine | Mr. Allen Kwok Fai Chan | Independent Inventor |
PS-A-9 | Wind tunnel study on the surface flow characteristics of a rotating blade of a horizontal axis wind turbine in three-dimensional analysis | Mr. Noriaki Sugimoto | Mie University |
PS-A-10 | Effect of plasma actuator on the flow field characteristic of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine in wind tunnel experiments | Mr. Atsushi Fujiwara | Mie University |
PS-B-1 | Wind Power Simulation and Analysis Incorporating Highly-Resolved Weather Prediction and Measurement Data of Japan | Mr. Fredrik Raak | Kyoto University |
PS-B-2 | Taut Mooring Method at Shallow Water for Floating Windmill | Mr. Katsunori Nakano | IDEOL |
PS-B-3 | Model Predictive Control for Reducing Power Output Fluctuations and Platform Motions in a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine-Generator System | Dr. Tetsuya Wakui | Osaka Prefecture University |
PS-B-4 | The validation of the motion performance of the advanced spar type floater | Mr. Haruki Yoshimoto | Japan Marine United Corporation |
PS-B-5 | Moving and ReInstallation of Hybrid Spar Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine | Dr. Iku Sato | TODA CORPORATION |
PS-C-1 | Stakeholder Management and Legal Procedures for Setting Up Offshore Wind Projects in General Sea Area | Prof. Kimiaki Yasuda | Nagoya University |
PS-C-2 | Mapping Local Climate Protection and Regional Development Projects | Dr. Daniel Kremers | German Institute for Japanse Studies (DIJ) |
PS-C-3 | Study on Acceptance in the Context of Absence of Local Participation to Wind Energy: Case studies in rural area of China | Dr. Qian Wang | Nagoya University |
PS-D-1 | A comparative performance study of Different Wind farm layout Configurations on a flat terrain of Kayathar, India. | Dr. Vilas Warudkar | Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal |
PS-D-2 | Site Specific Evaluation Methods by Aero-elastic Wind Turbine and LES Time Variant Wind Models Combined | Prof. Shigeo Yoshida | Kyushu University/Research Institute for Applied Mechnicals |
PS-D-3 | CFD Simulations of Wind Turbines in Complex Terrain | Mr. Omar Mohamed Ali Mohamed Ibrahim | Kyushu University/Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Science |
PS-D-4 | Stereo videography for bird impact assessment | Dr. Toru Takeuchi | Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry |
PS-E-2 | A study of the turbulence and gust by the LES wind simulation of the complex terrain with the atmospheric stability | Dr. Takeshi Kamio | The University of Tokyo |
PS-E-3 | A Comparison of different LiDAR Systems in measuring Wind Characteristics at Complex Terrain Site | Mr. Nobutoshi Nishio | The University of Tokyo Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies |
PS-F-1 | Impact of multi-model ensembles on probabilistic forecasts of wind power ramps in Japan | Dr. Masamichi Ohba | Central research institute of electric power industry |
PS-F-2 | Probabilistic Prediction of Wind Speed Ramp Events using a Regional Ensemble Prediction Method | Dr. Daisuke Nohara | Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry |
PS-F-3 | How can we use Doppler LIDAR with simulation model in offshore wind resource assessment? (Vertical Doppler LIDAR and CFD model) | Mr. Mizuki Konagaya | E&E Solutions Inc. |
PS-F-4 | Accuracy comparison between multiple models of vertical wind Doppler LIDAR | Mr. Toshinari Mito | E&E Solutions Inc. |
PS-G-1 | Experimental study on the air resistance of the aerodynamic brake of gyro-mill type vertical axis wind turbine | Prof. Yoshiaki Tanzawa | Dept. of Products Engineering & Environmental Management, Nippon Institute of Technology |
PS-G-2 | Research of electric power regeneration using automotive cooling fan (Validity evaluation of fan-turbine system) | Dr. Shinichi Oda | Nagoya Institute of Technology |
PS-G-3 | Study on Flow Field of a Straight-bladed Vertical Axis Wind Turbine by Wind Tunnel and Field Experiment | Mr. Tatsuhiko Ogasawara | Mie University |
PS-G-4 | The Development of An Innovative Small Wind Power Generator | Dr. Ming Chun Hsieh | Dept. Electronic Engineering, Kun Shan University |
PS-I-1 | Effect of leading-edge protuberances on the aerodynamic performance of airfoil | Mr. Masahiro Morimoto | Mie University |
PS-I-2 | Concealed Multi-Rotor Ducted Wind Turbine | Mr. Allen Kwok Fai Chan | Independent Inventor |
PS-I-3 | Gravity Induced In-plane Self-excitation of 2-bladed Flexible Rotor | Prof. Shigeo Yoshida | Kyushu University/Research Institute for Applied Mechnicals |
PS-I-4 | Inflow Coherence Effects on Multi-Rotor Wind Turbine System | Prof. Shigeo Yoshida | Kyushu University/Research Institute for Applied Mechnicals |
PS-I-5 | Influences of Rotor Thrust on Tower Shadow Effects of Downwind Turbines | Prof. Shigeo Yoshida | Kyushu University/Research Institute for Applied Mechnicals |
PS-I-6 | System Identification and Control of Airborne Kite Power System | Mr. Tarek Naeem Mohammed Dief | Kyushu University/Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Science |
PS-I-7 | CFD Analyses of Stall Characteristics of DU96-W180 Wind Turbine Airfoil | Mr. Amr M Halawa | Kyushu University/Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Science |